Skin Assessment II for the Correctional Nurse

Fine Scaly Plaque – VisualDX, with permission Skin Assessment for the Correctional Nurse II In the general public, 20-30% of the population suffer from skin diseases. In addition, 10% have disease so serious that it interferes with their activities of daily living. Because skin conditions are typically visible, patients may experience greater embarrassment, stigma and…

Chronic Care Patient Education: Diabetes in Corrections

Chronic Care Patient Education: Diabetes in Corrections As healthcare professionals, we are constantly providing patient education as we go about our assessments and treatments.  In corrections, our practice is an extension of Community Health. We assess and treat many of the same illnesses that are prevalent in our community; often, however, their prevalence is higher…

Suicide Prevention in Corrections

Suicide Prevention in Corrections Incarcerated individuals are three times more likely to commit suicide that those in the community.  This is due to the incarcerated populations’ demographics; their decreased ability to cope with the day-to-day stresses of incarceration; the facility’s lack of sufficient staff or staff training in suicide prevention; and the lack of access…

Women’s Health Issues for the Correctional Nurse

Women’s Health Issues for the Correctional Nurse By all accounts there are more women behind bars now than in any time in US history. This phenomenon is certainly not what was intended when the movement toward gender equity gained steam in the 1970’s. Although women still constitute less than 10% of the inmate population, their…

A Thyroid Primer for the Correctional Nurse

A Thyroid Primer for the Correctional Nurse More than 12 percent of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime (American Thyroid Association, 20217). An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. Up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition. Women are five…

Asthma for the Correctional Nurse II

Asthma for the Correctional Nurse II As nurses in corrections, we see a large number of patients affected by asthma. Many have poor asthma control due to their inability to purchase medication, knowledge deficit about their chronic condition or general apathy about their health. Helping the patient achieve and maintain asthma control requires patient education…

Laboratory Diagnostics for the Correctional Nurse

Laboratory Diagnostics for the Correctional Nurse Correctional nurses must obtain labs and conduct patient education regarding lab tests on a daily basis. Thus, it is very important that the nurse understands why the test is being ordered for their patient, any special preparation needed, and what the results indicate.  This class is a discussion of…

Dental Concepts for the Correctional Nurse

Dental Concepts for the Correctional Nurse Managing dental conditions is not a part of most nursing positions and little dental training is provided in nursing school. However, correctional nurses are most often the first care provider to evaluate a dental complaint and make determinations regarding referrals for treatment and urgency of care delivery. Most intake…

Sexually Transmitted Infection in Corrections

Sexually Transmitted Infection in Corrections The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state unequivocally that Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are “the hidden epidemics of enormous health and economic consequence in the United States” (CDC, 2011). They suggest that there are community-based interventions that are effective, but in order for these interventions to work, stakeholders…